This banner will be updated if we receive important new vendor info!
Please read ALL of the info and complete the form below:
Vendor Info
Holiday 2024
We're so excited to have you at The Big Gay HOLIDAY Market happening on December 20th AND 21st! We have some important details about the event below:
Contact Information
Venue address: 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, Madison, WI 53713
Ollie (he/they): (262) 505 - 0371​
Ashley (she/her) (828) 208 - 4653
Email: thebiggaymarket@gmail.com
Load In/Out Information
Load in will be happening during the day on Friday, December 20th (7am - 5pm). The Friday night market starts at 6pm.
Optional restocking time will be offered Sat morning before doors open
When you arrive, please check in at the vendor welcome table by the loading dock doors!
This is where you can drop off a raffle prize if you would like to donate one! See below for more info
Each booth is 10x10ft with curtains separating neighboring booths from each other
Feel free to bring additional tables and display items
If you are NOT able to load in at your assigned time, please fill out the Google Form below:
Please be patient during load out. We will have Alliant staff assisting with load out. There will be limited carts to use. You are welcome to leave immediately following the Sat market. Do not pack up early!!
Parking Information
On Saturday, vendors will have to pay $8 per car UNLESS you arrive BEFORE 8:30am! There will not be parking enforcement on Friday.
8:30am is when parking staff arrive at Alliant to start enforcing the parking policy
Parking fees cover the ENTIRE day -- you may come and go without paying additional parking fees
Parking fees at Alliant are now cashless. They will only be taking cards
If you as a vendor are charged for parking, we will reimburse you! Make sure to keep your receipts!
Click the button below to view the parking map:
Attendee Goodie Bags
We will have 500 goodie bags available for attendees. If you would like to add promotional material/items/coupons to the bags, please email us at thebiggaymarket@gmail.com.
You must provide 500 of whatever you would like in the bags
If providing candy, avoid allergens such as gluten and nuts
Market Hours
The market is open to the public:
Friday from 6pm - 10pm AND
Saturday from 9am - 5pm
Masks will be required on Sat from 9am - 11am
We will have masks available
Drag Show (18+)
We will be hosting a drag show featuring Cynthia Mooseknuckle on Friday from 7 - 9pm
Tickets will be sold in advance -- you WILL need to purchase a ticket to the drag show in order to attend
We will also have a drag bingo Saturday morning!
Vending will still be happening during the drag show and drag bingo, and unless you have someone to cover your booth, you won't be able to attend
Venue Security
The vendor halls will be LOCKED overnight
Please leave your booths fully assembled overnight on Friday
Take all valuables (cash boxes, tablets, mobile devices. etc.) with you!
We encourage sheets to cover booths overnight
If you see ANY suspicious activity during the day, such as people actively stealing from your booth, notify Ashley and Ollie IMMEDIATELY
Mask Requirement
Saturday from 9am - 11am will be FULLY MASKED for those who are more comfortable shopping at masked events
We will provide the masks for shoppers and vendors
We plan to either leave your masks at your booth with a welcome packet, or hand them out directly to y'all on Saturday morning :)
Promo Materials
Please begin promoting the event if you haven't yet!
The more we share the event, the more people will come and the more money you'll make :)
Share the link to the Facebook event here:
Please feel free to share market info with local media that you have connections with!
Please click the button below for our media packet:
Raffle Information
We will be having a raffle supporting our lovely featured nonprofit: OutReach!
If you would like to donate an item to the raffle, please bring it with you to the market
It can be dropped off at the vendor welcome table where you will check in
Like previous markets, we will have business cards for vendors to sign when customers make purchases :)
When a customer makes 3 purchases from 3 different vendors, they may turn in the card for a free raffle ticket at the OutReach table in the lobby!
Take Care of Yourself!
Stay hydrated and drink lots of water!
There are plenty of water fountains to refill bottles
Don't forget to eat -- it can be easy to forget when you're busy chatting and vending!
Market officials and volunteers will do their best to provide breaks for vendors to run to the restroom or grab food
A vendor break room will be available for vendors who need a break from the crowd or want a snack/drink. Please see the map for its location
Feel free to hang out in this room as much and as long as you'd like! This room is NOT SECURE so do not leave any valuables in it
Please email thebiggaymarket@gmail.com for disability accommodations if you haven't already!
We can't wait to see you there! :)
Tips for Vendors
Please complete the form below:
Vendor Info Form
After reviewing ALL of the info above, please fill out this form: